The high cost of fuel and the desire to produce sustainably are concentrating agriculture producers attention on operating greenhouses with alternative heating sources. Thermostahl, with a big portfolio of products and solutions has offered to numerous customers efficient solutions, tailored to the custom needs, from a small flower production to an industrial scale vegetable production greenhouse.
Depending on the scale of the greenhouse, the plants produced and the needs of the customer, there are various solutions for heating.
Air heating
Heating with air is the most simple solution for a greenhouse, as it does not require hydraulic installation. It is mostly indicated for smaller greenhouses, up to 2.000 m2. Above this surface, the control and the maintenance of air heaters becomes complicated.
The hot air generator is installed at the centre of the greenhouse or for bigger greenhouses, two generators should be installed at the opposite ends of the space. Usually, some air recirculators need also to be installed to ensure the correct circulation and distribution of hot air.
Hot air generator can function on gas, pellet, or biomass, according to the needs of the customer.
Ground cultivation
For greenhouses where the cultivation is on the ground, there is usually plastic piping on the ground, in which hot water travels, heating the soil and the plant. This is an efficient and rather cheap solution for professional heating, and offers a good level of temperature and moisture control. This solution is recommend for greenhouses 1.000-5.000 m2.
For seed growing, as well as flowers, usually the cultivation is done on tables, and the heat is distributed underneath.
The boiler can function on wood, pellet or biomass.
Hydroponic cultivation
The hydroponic cultivation is the most efficient way of industrial scale greenhouse production, and is ideal for most vegetables: tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, etc. This solution is recommend for big greenhouses, more than 5.000 m2, since the initial investment is big, but also the efficiency and control of the greenhouse temperature and climate is best. The cultivation is done on special trays above the ground, and the plant automatically receives all necessary nutrients and water by a central irrigation system.
The heating installation usually includes two or more boilers, a fuel storage and transport system, a water distribution system which automatically controls the zone temperature, and sometimes a hot water storage system (buffer tank). The heating distribution is usually by steel piping, and is done on three levels: one on the ground, one close to the plant, and one on the roof level for snow melting.
For this kind of projects, Thermostahl can give you end to end custom solution:
- Boilers on biomass-pellet-woodchips up to 1.500 kW
- Heating technology and distribution network
- Fuel storage and transport system
- Installation, commissioning, authorization and maintenance
Please contact our commercial department for details and references: